Hey, put sunblock on those feet

As we roll into the summer here in Florida, don't forget sunblock on those exposed feet.  Sandals and flip-flops are everyday wear, but with that comes daily exposure to the toes.

Take the time to watch this short video from the patient’s view: http://tiny.cc/DFALC16

And remember these facts:

A study has shown that the overall 5-year survival rate was 52% for patients with a primary melanoma of the foot/ankle compared with 84% for patients with a primary melanoma elsewhere on the lower part of the body.1

Foot and ankle lesions represent approximately 3 to 15 percent of all cutaneous melanomas.2 In a review of 63 cases, 29 percent of lesions were on the upper surface of the foot, 19 percent on the heel, 17 percent on the sole of the foot, 17 percent on the ankle and 13 percent at the toes.3 Forty-seven of these patients were women and 16 were men.3

1. Survival of patients with primary pedal melanoma, Walsh SM, Fisher SG, Sage RA, JFAS, doi: 42(4):193-8, July-August 2003, Retrieved 25 March 2014.
2. Clinical guidelines for the recognition of melanoma of the foot and nail unit, Ivan R Bristow, David AR de Berker, Jonathan Bowling, Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 25 March 2010, Retrieved 25 March 2014.
3. Gender differences seen in foot, ankle melanoma, Bates B, Family Practice News/em>, 1 November 2006, Retrieved 25 March 2014.


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